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Fearn v Trustees of the Tate Gallery



The Trustees of the Tate Gallery created a viewing gallery on the top floor of the Blavatnik Building, part of the Tate Modern Museum. Visitors to the viewing gallery could see into some of the flats in a nearby development called Neo Bankside. Some visitors to the viewing gallery even brought binoculars, waved to the occupants of the Neo Bankside flats or took photos, some of which were posted to social media. The Neo Bankside residents were distressed by this intrusive behaviour. They brought proceedings in nuisance against the Trustees of the Tate Gallery (Fearn v Trustees of the Tate Gallery).

The Trustees argued that there was nothing objectionable about the installation of a viewing gallery. What’s more, to a significant extent the problem was caused by the unusual design of the Neo Bankside flats. The walls were made of glass from floor-to-ceiling. Clearly, this rendered the Neo Bankside residents unusually vulnerable to visual intrusion. In any event, the Neo Bankside residents could protect their privacy by, for example, using the solar blinds or having their windows treated to stop people being able to see through them from the outside. Further, the Trustees obtained planning permission from the local authority and this ought to be relevant to the question as to whether or not the viewing gallery created a nuisance.

The Supreme Court decision

The majority of the Supreme Court found that the Tate Gallery was liable in nuisance to the affected Neo Bankside residents. Lord Leggatt said:

‘It is not difficult to imagine how oppressive living in such circumstances would feel for any ordinary person – much like being on display in a zoo … it is beyond doubt that the viewing and photography which take place from the Tate’s building cause a substantial interference with the ordinary use and enjoyment of the claimant’s properties.’ ([48]).

The Supreme Court remitted the case to the High Court for the determination of the appropriate remedy ([133]).


The law of nuisance balances the sometimes-clashing rights of neighbouring property owners to use their properties as they see fit. Nuisance protects ‘the utility and amenity value’ of land; it does not seek to protect occupiers from personal discomfort ([11]). Lord Leggatt pointed out that the concept of reciprocity lies at the heart of nuisance; the law balances the conflicting rights of landowners ([18]); the governing principle is good neighbourliness ([35]). The interference complained of must be substantial ([22]). Visual intrusion can be a nuisance ([16]).

The common and ordinary use of land

Lord Leggatt emphasised the central importance of asking whether the acts of the landowner complained of, and the neighbour’s rights that are interfered with, fall within ‘the common and ordinary use of land’. A landowner can’t complain if the use interfered with is not an ordinary use ([25]). The common and ordinary use if to be decided on having regard to the character of the locality ([38]).

Application to the facts

The construction and operation of the Tate’s viewing gallery did not fall within a common and ordinary use of its land ([50]). This was not like a case of people looking out of the windows of their own property and happening to see into the property of their neighbours. The Neo Bankside Residents could not complain if the residents of nearby flats, acting normally, could see them ([63]).

Here, however, the Tate constructed a viewing gallery, expressly for the purpose of looking out and then invited hundreds of thousands of people to do so. Lord Leggat observed: ‘the nature and extent of the viewing of the claimant’s flats goes far beyond anything that could reasonably be regarded as a necessary or natural consequence of the common and ordinary use and occupation of Tate’s land’ ([74]).

Did the flat owners bring it on themselves?

The unusual design of the Neo Bankside flats (with their floor-to-ceiling glass walls) was relevant ([61]). The Neo Bankside residents have no claim in nuisance against the residents of nearby flats, acting normally, who look into the Neo Bankside flats ([63]). But the design of the Neo Bankside flats was no defence for the Trustees of the Tate Gallery when they were not using their land ‘in a common and ordinary way’ ([65] and [69]). There was no basis ‘for regarding the glass walls of the claimants’ flats as unusual, either in the context of modern high-rise blocks of flats generally or in the particular locality’ ([79]).

Should the Neo Bankside residents be required to take protective measures?

The Trustees argued that there were simple steps that the Neo Bankside residents could take which would allow the continued operation of the viewing gallery while protecting the residents from the distress caused by visual intrusion. The windows had solar blinds which could be lowered or covering them with a privacy film would do the trick as might having lace curtains. Lord Leggat, however, rejected the notion that the burden should be on the Neo Bankside residents to mitigate the impact ‘of the special use’ of the Blavatnik Building ([84]).

The relevance of planning consent

The fact that the Trustees of the Tate Gallery had planning consent for the viewing gallery is not a defence to an action in nuisance. Planning law and private nuisance have different aims ([109] – [110]).

The public interest

While the fact an activity confers a public benefit is not a defence to an action in nuisance ([121]), public benefit can be relevant when it comes to deciding on the remedy (injunction or damages) ([126]).


The Trustees of the Tate Gallery were liable in nuisance. The case was remitted to the High Court for the determination of the appropriate remedy ([133]).

Michael Lower

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