Channel: Hong Kong Land Law Blog
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Family home legally owned by company controlled by one of the spouses

Introduction Section 6 of the Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (‘MPPO’) empowers the court, in divorce proceedings, to require the transfer  of the property of one party (A) to the other...

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Misrepresentation: misleading descriptions of a flat

A contract can be set aside if the purchaser was induced to enter into it by a misleading description of the property to be sold. The false statement may be made either by the seller or the seller’s...

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Satisfying the equity in proprietary estoppel

Moore v Moore In Moore v Moore ([2018] EWCA Civ 2669) a father (Roger) and son (Stephen) carried on a farming business in partnership; each owned one half of the business. Roger assured Stephen that...

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Right of way and lost modern grant

Introduction In Yik Wai Pong v Yick Pak Kin the Court of First Instance was asked to consider whether the plaintiff had acquired a right of way over an access road on the defendant’s land under the...

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Regency Villas: the validity of a recreational easement

The issue In Regency Villas Title Ltd v Diamond Resorts (Europe) Ltd ([2018] UKSC 57) the UK Supreme Court had to consider the validity of a recreational easement. The question was whether the right of...

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Brexit and the doctrine of frustration

Introduction In Canary Wharf (BP4) T1 Ltd v European Medicines Agency ([2019] EWHC 335) Marcus Smith J considered the claim of the European Medicines Agency (‘the EMA’) that Brexit (should it occur)...

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Frustration of leases: Brexit and illegality

Introduction This is the second post about Canary Wharf (BP4) T1 Ltd v European Medicines Agency ([2019] EWHC 335) in which Marcus Smith J considered the claim of the European Medicines Agency (‘the...

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Estoppel where the family home is owned by a company

The inference of a trust when the family home is owned by a company controlled by a spouse In Prest v Petrodel Resources Ltd the UK Supreme Court established that English family law (specifically...

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Forfeiture: is immoral user by a sub-tenant always an irremediable breach of...

Introduction When, and how, should a tenant’s rights be affected if a subtenant uses the property for immoral purposes in breach of a head-lease covenant? These were the questions considered by the...

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Fundamental importance of the right to apply for relief from forfeiture:...

In Golding v Martin ([2019] EWCA Civ 446), the tenant of a long lease of a flat failed to pay a service charge reserved as rent. The landlord brought forfeiture proceedings and was awarded possession....

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Pipikos v Trayans: part performance and the unequivocal referability test

Introduction Section 26 of the Law of Property Act (SA) is in substantially the same terms as section 3(1) of Hong Kong’s Conveyancing and Property Ordinance: ‘No action shall be brought upon any...

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Tinsley v Milligan still applies in Hong Kong

In Patel v Mirza, the UK Supreme Court abandoned the Tinsley v Milligan reliance test in deciding whether or not to enforce agreements tainted by illegality. In Hong Kong, this question has frequently...

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Priority as between unwritten equitable interest and lender supplying funds...

Where A supplies part of the purchase price of property conveyed into B’s name then A is very likely to have an equitable interest under a common intention constructive trust or a presumed resulting...

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Determining the extent of an easement by prescription

Introduction In Lynn Shellfish Ltd v Loose ([2016] UKSC 14) M had an exclusive prescriptive right to take shellfish from a stretch of foreshore on the South East coast of England. M granted a lease of...

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Adverse possession: what is the limitation period when time began to run...

Section 7 of the Limitation Ordinance provides that the limitation period (other than for land owned by the Government) is twelve years. Section 38A of the Limitation Ordinance provides, in effect,...

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Equitable accounting: is an ouster necessary before an occupation rent...

In Murphy v Gooch ([2007] EWCA Civ 603), a co-habiting couple bought a 25% stake in a shared ownership property. The relationship between the couple broke down and Ms Murphy left the property. Ms...

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Occupation rent: joint tenant’s trustee in bankruptcy

What principles govern an application for occupation rent by a joint tenant’s trustee in bankruptcy? The facts In Davis v Jackson ([2017] EWHC 698 (Ch)) Mr and Mrs Jackson were legal and equitable...

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When does the proprietary estoppel right arise?

In Walden v Atkins ([2013] EWHC 1387) the court held that a proprietary estoppel claim arises when there is promise, reliance and detriment and not when the maker of the representation goes back on it....

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Developer retains exclusive right to use the external walls. Are they common...

Introduction In Kong Wai Hsien v Tai Wai Glamour Garden (IO) ([2019] HKCA 1229) the Court of Appeal had to consider whether the external walls of a building were common parts even though the DMC...

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Equitable subrogation: Filby v Mortgage Express (No 2)

Introduction In Filby v Mortgage Express (No 2) Ltd ([2004] EWCA Civ 759) the English Court of Appeal (May LJ giving the judgment) explained the circumstances in which a lender who supplies funds to...

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